Our hearts ache for the people impacted by the damage done to neighborhoods and businesses throughout the Twin Cities.
If you want to help, here is an article with links to some suggestions: mspmag.com/arts-and-culture/general-interest/how-to-support-the-twin-cities/?fbclid=IwAR0MC3aEHlOqxQ11gjutUwMq82qups_ZBwK_kQ50DE1QlMkhLJCgehX_qhU Food donations from many people were collected at Burnsville High School today. It's great to see such generosity!
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Many thanks to the folks at Stratasys, who have provided tens of thousands of 3D printed face shields to medical and complementary care providers at no charge. Their generosity during this pandemic is admirable!
Jason and Kelly tested them for fit and function! Here's Jason modeling eye goggles and a face shield in our lobby. This is some of the personal protective equipment our staff may be wearing when we reopen. Stylish, right?
We know you are looking forward to getting a massage again, and we thank for your patience and grace. We are preparing to open again, starting with a limited schedule.
Unfortunately, we don't know the exact date on which we will be available to provide service. Many of the supplies we need have not yet arrived, and we need them before we can train our staff in their use. We are hoping to have everything in place and employees trained by early July. You can trust that we will make our environment as safe as we possibly can without sacrificing any more comfort or convenience than is necessary. If you're on our contact list, you can expect an email with a summary of our new COVID-19 guidelines in the near future. They will also be made available on our website. Until then, please check out our Facebook page for photos, updates, etc.: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Massage-Service/Eagan-Massage-Center-108460775860904/ We are excited to see you again. We miss you! Please take appropriate precautions and stay well, and we will do the same. If you interact with people that lip read to facilitate communication, most face masks make it much more difficult for them to know what is being said. There are masks with clear panels in front of the mouth that can provide protection while enabling easier communication.
If you are a lip reader, let us know if you would prefer to have any of our staff members wear one of these clear masks while helping you. You can purchase them at: quietcreationsbykathy.com/product/face-mask-cotton-reusable/ If you or someone you know communicates with American Sign Language, these videos from the Minnesota Department of Health might be helpful PSAs for COVID-19 and other public health info. https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/materials/asl.html The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has also produced a series of videos providing info about COVID-19 and caring for people with COVID-19. Here's one of them. They are all available for free on YouTube. When we reopen, wearing masks will be required for everyone. Many of you are already wearing masks, and here are some tips to help prevent your glasses from fogging up, even with a mask on: https://www.npr.org/2020/05/08/853009325/how-to-prevent-glasses-from-fogging-up-while-wearing-a-mask?fbclid=IwAR3jyIOpzOJSRuoBJWgm6lkXcsTd2l6tlzgl5BjVRrm3Kyt1fNo6E84a9rE We also recommend the following videos for effective, helpful tips: Social media is swamped with misinformation about COVID-19, and a lot of people find themselves having to question whether something is fact or fiction.
To combat misinformation, this article was written by Eagan Massage Center co-owner and massage therapist Jason Erickson. It's simple to read and understand, and contains links to sources used to write it. We want you to have accurate, quality information, especially during such confusing times. www.massagemag.com/covid-19-coronavirus-information-for-massage-therapists-fact-vs-fiction-122749/ We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. During these difficult times, there is so much uncertainty and challenges in our daily lives. With that being said, the Governor announced that the stay at home order will be in effect until May 18th and we are expecting that massage will be delayed beyond that date. We are hoping to open by July 1.
At this time, we just don’t feel it is safe enough for you and our team. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated. In order to open we have to have permission from the Governor, a COVID-19 plan in place that meets the CDC and OSHA guidelines, our employees need to be trained, and we need to have all the supplies on hand. This will take time. Your feedback has assisted our planning and we are taking additional steps to provide an environment in which you can feel safe and comfortable. We would love a crystal ball to be able to set a firm date for reopening, but we just don’t know the answer. Our plan is that we will be available by phone the week prior to reopening to schedule your appointments for those of you who don’t use our online scheduling software. Rest assured that our sanitation procedures will be above standard and offered with the highest level of care and concern. Everyone at Eagan Massage Center is eager to see you again! Stay safe and well! |
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